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Simplicity should be the focus to prevent technical stuns

opinion Mar 25, 2022

As much as we praise modern technology for its contribution to making our lives easier, sometimes it does quite the opposite. If you think back to the last few years, or even decades, you’ll notice that technology has been creating problems here and there.

Now, that isn’t to say that we should shun the use of technology in problem-solving. That’s a surefire way to revert back to the middle ages. Modern technology and innovations have permeated our lives in a way that we would be helpless without it for even a day.

Instead, we should take a good look at the reasons why technology has been hindering instead of helping. Then, we should look for a better way to use the available technology.

When Technology Fails To Make Things Easier

Here’s an experience that I had come across that demonstrates within a small scope how using technology in an inefficient way makes more problems:

I used to work for a nonprofit where we helped underprivileged students to gain computer literacy and access to quality education in rural Bangladesh. As a part of that, we developed some multimedia classrooms where teachers could use interactive multimedia to teach.

However, that didn’t go exactly as we planned.

First of all, the teachers were reluctant to learn new technology. Then, it resulted in them stumbling and fumbling while setting up the projector and computer for the class. Their reluctance caused a lack of enthusiasm and speed to get the class underway.

The result? The teachers would spend 10 minutes setting up the tools, 5 minutes taking the attendance, another 20 minutes to close and put away the tools.

That left only 20 minutes for the actual class, and even that was ineffective. The teachers, unused and apathetic to using modern technology, ended up delivering an indigestible lesson using a PowerPoint slide.

This experience is a prime example of how NOT to use modern technology. Proceeding to disseminate tools to use the technology without any prior conditioning and preparation caused this disaster. There are ways to make this process smoother and more effective.

In this blog post, I am sharing my experience and insights to harness the power of modern technology instead of getting caught in its complexity.

Where Do You Draw The Line?

With the aim to make our lives easier, and easier still, we try to incorporate more and more modern technological tools. However, at some point, it gets so complex that our work loses speed. It’s hard to draw a line at the perfect point.

If you’re an entrepreneur who uses various modern tools and apps to manage your projects, you’ve certainly faced this problem. Down the line, there comes a time when instead of speeding up your project, all the technological tools only get more complex and drag you down.

Let’s break this down a little more. Let’s say you already have a system in place, and you want to make it even smoother. Perhaps you want your customers to enjoy a quicker service, so you start using a new tool.

What’s going to happen. You’ll have to plan and then put the system to work. It will slow you down for literal months. There’s the question of integrating the new tool into your existing system. Then, your customers need to get used to the tool as well. It will eat up so much time.

In fact, aside from slowing down your system and possibly creating a bottleneck for months, it can also affect your business negatively.

Another trouble with updates of this sort is that by the time you and your customers are used to the technology, something new will inevitably pop up. The new tool will also promise amazing results, and the tool you spent so long working on will be outdated. Rinse and repeat.

To prevent the complexity that creates such trouble, there are ways to make matters much more simple.

Simplicity is the Key

Once there was a misconception: the more complex a technology is, the more useful it will be to the user. However, we now know that’s not true at all. In fact, the more complex and full of features a tool is, the more troublesome it tends to be.

So what’s the solution? You should stick to simple tools instead. Instead of being blinded by the many features, you should instead think about whether or not it will make your life easier. Trust me, this mindset of looking for simple solutions will prevent so many headaches in the future.

Using a Closed-Loop System.

I always advise my clients to use Kajabi as the one-stop solution for offering online courses and coaching. It brings almost all the needs of a coach under one roof. See my detailed review of Kajabi to know the pros and cons.

Using closed-loop systems like Kajabi can reduce a lot of frustration, as it simplifies your project and shaves down on a lot of time. Here’s feedback from someone who has used Kajabi Course Launch:

In my early days as a Kajabi course launch specialist, I used to work with 5-10 different services/platforms to execute one launch.

Drip/ActiveCampaign/ConvertKit for email, Webinar jam/Demio/Stealth Seminar for webinar, Libsyn, and Buzzsprout for podcasts, etc.

All these tools indeed were good and sophisticated but it was nearly impossible for my clients to go in and make small tweaks as they wish. However, now I use systems so simple and well documented even a person with zero technical skill can update it.

Don’t become a Slave to the system

Nowadays, it’s easy to let technology run your life. You might see an assortment of tools that promise amazing things and you’d feel like you absolutely need to get your hands on them. That’s a bad idea. Don’t get swept away by the trends.

To launch courses for my clients, I only use tools that I absolutely need. I use them to make the work I’m already doing easier. I don’t get new and shiny tools and work around them. Working this way could benefit you as well. Lately, kajabi is my one-stop solution for course launch unless there are specific requirements from the client’s side. It helps me to keep things tidy and easy for my clients to maintain for longer terms.

Opt for a Smoother Operation

Getting your hands on a tool that makes use of the latest technology doesn’t mean your job is done. You should also make sure to operate it in a way that makes the tool effective. Accessibility, connectivity and collaboration is a must.

While you’re attempting to use a modern tool, it pays to make it more accessibly to your target population – be it customers or your employees. Keep the process simple, accessible, and transparent. Communicate properly on ways to use it easier, and you’ll succeed.

A smooth operation of technology-based tools will ensure your whole organization operates like a dream. It keeps both your staff and customers happy, and it will speed up your projects as you’ve never seen before.

Thanks for reading it till the end. I believe it will be helpful for you and your business. 

Book a call with me at to get a done for you course launch service. 

If you want further customization or need to implement the functionality to your existing landing page/website theme. You can hire me on Upwork or contact me through the email [email protected]

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